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Live Group Program - Coming In 2025


Tackle the 5 critical root causes of your child's skin issues, get access to essential testing, and resources to build your child's protocol.


When you join Conquer Your Child's Rashes® Live, you get 7 weeks of live coaching and hands-on guidance so that your child can achieve healthy, itch-free skin that lasts.


The back of her legs cleared! 

It happened quickly, too, as we started the foundational recommendations offered in Conquer Your Child's Rashes!

She used to not want to wear shorts, and this summer, she finally can. She's also tolerating probiotics, which she could never do before.

We are so happy with how her skin is improving!"


“My daughter is confident in her skin now! She is wearing short sleeve shirts, shorts, and dresses, and she’s sleeping!

I wasn’t sure if this would work. We had invested money into so many products and various appointments and bloodwork before, and there were no results to show for it. I was afraid this would be the same. I am so glad we enlisted Jennifer's help! 

Not having to watch my daughter suffer every single day has been the biggest blessing!”

— Caitlin

"Our son’s skin noticeably improved!

Within a few days of trying some of Jennifer's recommendations, we started seeing his skin get better!"


What Is CYCR® Live?


Through my experience helping thousands of children achieve lasting, healthy, itch-free skin, I identified key steps that, when followed, lead to remarkable results.


I then developed a comprehensive protocol and created CYCR® Live to share this groundbreaking information with as many struggling families as possible.


With CYCR® Live You Will:


✔️ Know Exactly What Steps to Take to uncover the root causes of your child’s skin issues.


✔️ Follow a Clear Path that removes the stress, anxiety, and guesswork from the process.


✔️ Access Resources to create a personalized nutrition, lifestyle, and supplement protocol (with dosing information) for your child.


✔️ Learn How to Transition your child off their elimination diet.


✔️ Understand How to Care for Their Skin from the outside.


✔️ Access Comprehensive GI Map Stool Testing and have your child's results reviewed during a live coaching call. You’ll also explore functional medicine lab case studies to better understand what to look for in your child’s test results.


✔️ Enjoy 7 Weeks of Live Group Coaching, followed by ongoing access to all CYCR® Live updates, changes, additions, resources, future live coaching, and more.


✔️ Join a Private Online Community with monthly group coaching sessions (in addition to the initial 7 weeks of live coaching). Your first two months of private community membership are included!


✔️ Get Your Questions Answered.



I'm Jennifer and I am a pediatric clinical nutritionist specializing in chronic skin rashes including eczema, hives, psoriasis, acne, infections, and more. 

My qualifications: 

Bachelor’s Degree in Nutrition and Dietetics (BS)

Master’s Degree in Public Health (MPH)

Master’s Degree in Nutritional Biochemistry (MS)

Licensed Dietitian/Nutritionist (LDN)

Certified Nutrition Specialist (CNS)

My passion for helping your child is deeply personal, inspired by my own childhood health challenges leaving me feeling different, judged, alone, scared, and helpless, and my family's struggles with eczema, psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, and vitiligo.

I am the top pediatric skin referral resource out of all of the trusted nutrition experts out there, and my referrals come from other functional practitioners, naturopaths, other nutrition professionals, medical doctors, and clinics from around the world.

I am a peer reviewed published author.

My work has been widely recognized on a variety of podcasts and interviews.

Curriculum Vitae (Professional Information)


Why You Can’t Ignore CYCR® Live...


When parents follow the right steps with the right support, their child's journey to healthy, itch-free skin takes off! 


"My daughter's skin is clearing, with no more itching, scratching and bleeding! 

Thank you, Jennifer, for this program. As a dietitian, I loved it. I'm grateful my daughter is doing so well, and I highly recommend this program if your child is suffering from skin rashes."

- Erin

"I feel like I under paid for this program! 

I got so much knowledge! I love how the program explains "why," is broken down into clear topics, and I can ask questions on the live calls! I absolutely recommend this program, it's exceeded my expectations!"

-Rebecca M

"When I came across this program it gave me hope.

I am so happy to be here [for my grandson]! I know my daughter and son-in-law are feeling so helpless right now. To be honest, I was too. After yesterday's live I feel confident that we have finally found a path to healing. Jennifer is so knowledgeable and caring, for us, truly an answer to prayer!


"The most significant change I've made is giving him all types of foods now! 

There isn't much out there to help children and babies, so this program really stood out to me. The best part, no more elimination diets!"

-Ashleigh C

"My daughter can now have all the foods that were restricted before! 

I feel liberated, and I'm so relieved. She now has little to no issues with her skin, and her gut is on the road to recovery."


"Her skin has gotten so much better!

I'm so thankful I took the program! I'm nursing, I was only eating a handful of foods, and my daughter's skin was at its worst. I've gradually added almost all foods back in!"

- Corryn E

"Having all the recordings available is really nice because I can rewatch them and take notes.

"I was a little hesitant about the time commitment, but I realized my daughter's health is more important, and I had to find the time! There is so much great information and so many resources. The program is well organized and informative, and I 100% recommend it to anyone that wants to learn more about the root cause of eczema for their child.

-Nancy G

"My daughter is finally getting relief, she's not itchy, and her skin is clearing!

I can't even begin to tell you how much time I've spent Googling myself down rabbit holes trying to fix my daughter's skin. Everything I tried made the problem worse. I felt completely helpless, like I was failing my little girl. I am beyond grateful I took this program! Now I have the tools I need."

- Matt

"I wish I had found this program earlier. 

It feels like I’ve been trying to work things out myself for years, and doing something like this is really actually helping me find solutions! Thank you for this program!"


"The live Zoom calls were a great review of the week's materials.

"Having the recordings was a great option because I could go back and listen to them at a convenient time for me.  The program offers strategies you can implement in real time, and there's access to Jennifer to get your specific questions answered (also in real-time). The small financial investment I made to enroll in this program was very worth the value I received! I highly recommend this program!"

-Susan S

 Coming in 2025! 

Get on the priority list now.



"Thank you, Jennifer, so much for helping us and giving us answers when no one else could!

Her before picture brings back all the hardships we went through in the beginning. It was such a difficult time for her and us as parents to see her suffering. 

I cannot believe the progress she has made! 

Seeing the before and afters makes me want to cry, happy tears!"

-Katrina U

To heal your child's skin, you need to tackle the 5 critical root causes.

 Leaky Skin


Using the wrong products on your child’s skin can worsen itching and may even contribute to the development of food allergies. Remember, natural options aren’t always the best choice; they can sometimes cause even more issues.

 Limited Diets, Undernourishment, and Malnutrition


Food isn’t the root cause of your child’s skin issues. Removing foods unnecessarily can actually worsen the problem by depriving their body of essential nutrients needed for growth, development, function, and healing. If you’ve noticed your child’s skin worsening as their diet has become more restricted, it’s not just a coincidence or a sign that you haven’t yet identified a food trigger.



While inflammation is a normal part of the immune response, chronic inflammation is not—it drives persistent, itchy skin rashes. It’s essential to identify and address the factors that are overflowing your child's inflammation bucket.

 Poor Detoxification and Toxin Burdens


Detoxification is crucial for achieving healthy, itch-free skin. However, much of the information available online about detoxification is not only inaccurate but also unscientific and potentially harmful—especially for children. It’s important to approach detoxification safely and effectively.

 Gut Dysbiosis


Gut health plays a vital role in skin health. However, using incorrect testing methods, failing to thoroughly address all findings, and lacking a proper plan and appropriate supplements can be detrimental and may worsen your child's skin condition.

CYCR® Live gives you my proven step-by-step protocol to tackle the 5 critical root causes of your child's skin issues.

🟢 Ditch The Itch


Discover effective topical solutions and strategies to manage your child’s persistent skin symptoms. You’ll learn how to support the skin barrier to prevent leaky skin and infections, as well as reduce the risk of sensitization to food and environmental allergens.

🟢 Nourish


Discover how to broaden your child's diet, ensuring their body has the essential fuel it needs to grow, develop, function, thrive, and build and repair healthy skin!

🟢 Immune


Learn how to reduce inflammation and strengthen your child’s immune system, empowering it to combat oxidative stress that contributes to inflammatory responses—the underlying causes of chronic skin issues.

🟢 Detoxification


Discover how to effectively support your child's detoxification pathways to reduce toxin burdens and promote healthy skin.

🟢 Gut


Understand the importance of the gut microbiome for your child's skin health. Discover which probiotics to try and which to avoid, learn about essential testing, and see what a comprehensive gut repair plan should entail.

CYCR® LIVE is results driven and gives you actionable strategies to implement in real time.



Inside CYCR® Live, You’ll Enjoy:


🌟 Clear Path to Follow

When you join CYCR® Live, you’ll receive guided access through my proven process, enabling your child to achieve lasting healthy skin. This program will help you regain the joy of parenting while removing the stress, anxiety, and guesswork from your journey.


🌟 Advanced Training Library

Explore 5 research-based core modules that walk you through the 5 key steps of my proven process. You'll gain access to valuable information, resources, interventions, recommendations, and research that explain the "why" behind every action you take to help your child. Plus, you can ask questions within each module and lesson.


🌟 7 Live Group Coaching Calls

Participate in 7 live group coaching calls with Jennifer, complete with recordings. You’ll be guided through each step, receive answers to your questions, and be empowered to make informed decisions about your child's care. We’ll discuss supplement recommendations for addressing root-cause imbalances, explore functional testing, and review case studies to help you understand your child’s test results better.


🌟 Monthly Live Coaching Calls & Private Community

Join a private online community exclusive to CYCR® Live participants, where you can ask questions, receive support, and share experiences in a safe environment. This community includes monthly live coaching sessions (in addition to the initial 7 weeks) to help you navigate challenges, celebrate successes, and get answers to your child's specific needs. Your first two months of private community membership are included!


🌟 Resources for Building Your Child’s Protocol

Each module provides nutrition, lifestyle, and supplement recommendations that solve critical root cause imbalances affecting your child's chronic skin issues. These core recommendations, which have facilitated life-changing skin transformations for my private clients, will be thoroughly reviewed during our live coaching sessions.


🌟 Functional Medicine Lab Case Studies

During our coaching calls, we’ll review functional medicine lab case studies, including urinary organic acids and comprehensive digestive stool testing, to help you identify key indicators in your child’s test results.


🌟 BONUS MASTERCLASS: Emotional Balance for You and Your Child

Caring for a child with skin struggles can be stressful and anxiety-inducing. Learn effective strategies to manage your emotions, stay resilient, and cultivate a hopeful mindset throughout your child's healing journey.


🌟 BONUS MASTERCLASS: Improving Sleep for Children with Skin Issues

When your child is restless from itchy skin, it affects your sleep, too. Discover practical tips to soothe flare-ups, implement effective bedtime routines, and explore the latest research on melatonin and sleep cycles to ensure your child gets the rest they need.



When your child is battling chronic skin problems, you've got tons of questions, and finding the answers feels overwhelming. Plus, who knows if you're getting correct information? Get answers to your most pressing questions about your child's skin, and what you can do about it!

A LOT of critical information is covered!


🌟 BONUS: GI Map Comprehensive Digestive Stool Testing

Curious about your child's test results? You can get my analysis during a live coaching call, where I’ll guide you on what to focus on. If you need a test kit, we’ll assist you in obtaining one!

Note: Test kit investments are not included. In the U.S., the cost is $450; outside the U.S., it ranges from $450 to $600. This program is not private, so personalized protocols will not be provided.


🌟 BONUS: Ongoing Access

The journey to healthy skin is a process, not a quick fix. Enrolling in CYCR® Live grants you ongoing access to updates, resources, future calls, and more, ensuring your child gets lasting results.


🌟 BONUS: Vault of Past Live Coaching Sessions

In addition to ongoing updates and resources, you’ll have access to all past content, including recorded live coaching sessions, case studies, and a Q&A vault.


🌟 BONUS: Exclusive Discount for Current CYCR® Online Members

Already a member of CYCR® Online? Upgrade to CYCR® Live and enjoy a discount!


🌟 BONUS: Prioritized Onboarding for Private Clients

If you’re seeking more personalized support, your onboarding process for CYCR® Private Support will be prioritized. Plus, you'll receive a credit for your CYCR® Live investment (up to $500) towards private support.  

I only take on 5 new Next Level clients each month, so this is an invaluable opportunity to get to the top of the list!



  • Skin rashes and allergies
  • Filaggrin and leaky skin
  • Histamine
  • pH of moisturizers and cleansers and why it matters
  • Hidden allergens and triggers (even in your prescriptions)
  • Weather and leaky skin 
  • Skin infections 
  • Skin microbiome friendly products
  • Dust mite allergy
  • Diaper rash
  • Acne
  • Rosacea
  • Psoriasis
  • Picky eaters
  • Why elimination diets don’t work
  • Getting your child off their elimination diet 
  • Lowering your baby’s risk of eczema and allergies  
  • Food allergy, IgE testing
  • Pets, allergies, and rashes
  • Nickel allergy
  • Additional labs you might need
  • Nutrient deficiencies in kids with rashes
  • Urinary organic acids and comprehensive digestive stool test reviews and case studies
  • Hydration
  • Constipation
  • Safe liver detox in babies and children
  • Mold
  • Probiotics 
  • Factors influencing gut microbiome development
  • H pylori
  • Parasites
  • Candida
  • Akkermansia
  • Flare cycles and why they happen


See more details about what's inside the CYCR® Live members area

(watch this video)!

"His skin is improving, and he is also growing and gaining weight!"

Our son was diagnosed with failure to thrive because of his limited diet. We had tried so many elimination diets to help his skin. We expanded his diet based on the information Jennifer shared in the program!

-Jamie C

"Jennifer and this program have been so helpful, and we are seeing improvements in our daughter's skin. 

I absolutely loved this program! I wanted to get to the root cause of the problem, and that's exactly what we've been able to do with this program, and Jennifer's support and guidance. Thank you for making this program available at such a low price!"

- Melissa

"Thank you, Jennifer, for being so so thoughtful about what to specifically use for children.

I can’t stress this enough, we’ve been with functional doctors who supplemented our son like crazy and the protocols that they used made him way worse. Your thoughtfulness and holistic understanding of these little systems are so so important! Thank you thank you!

-Kim A

Frequently Asked Questions

"This program was incredible! I'm so grateful Jennifer made this available for such a reasonable price! 

Especially compared to the thousands of dollars I had spent first, trying to help my daughter's skin, and nothing was helping. I'm in shock about how well my daughter is doing now! Her skin is almost completely clear already, and her constipation is gone. I wish I had found Jennifer and this program sooner. If your child is struggling and you need help, this program is exactly what you need."


"I’m feeling much more empowered. Other practitioners never helped us get to the root cause of the problem, and Jennifer does. 

It's evident that she put in the work to create content that is actionable!  Jennifer is so kind and approachable and makes everyone feel at ease. It's refreshing! She is really making an impact and this type of work is so appreciated because we need it desperately, and no one is really doing it with this level of experience and expertise. So thank you!!"

-Sarah D

"I so appreciate this program and am grateful that I encountered it. I will be using it as a resource and reference point long-term. 

The program truly was helpful for me. I love the healthy reframes on how restrictive diets just aren't the thing. That's a massive myth-buster for me. I really admire Jennifer's knowledge, openness and expertise, and helpful advice! Thank you again for such a fantastic series. I will be using Jennifer as a resource going forward!"

-Molly K


Coming in 2025!

Get on the priority list now.