Get private support and personalized protocols to Conquer Your Child's Rashes®!


Offering exclusive, intimate programs reserved for a limited number of new clients each month who are looking to get results for their child's skin within the next 6 months.

Book Your Strategy Session Now To Get Started


"It’s been 4 months and I don’t think his skin has ever looked better!

It is truly hard for me to even talk about, I’m kind of waiting for the ball to drop and him to have a bad flare again, and he has not!

Right now, I am overjoyed to say the least! He is happy, his skin is very clear!

Thank you, Jennifer, is all I can say. I’m realizing how traumatized I have been by all this because it’s hard for me to even type this message, I’m so afraid to acknowledge the improvements because I can’t believe it!

Happy tears. Thank you!"

— Logan


  • Within 2 months, Greta saw a drastic reduction in her daughter’s skin rashes and significant improvement in her skin health overall.
  • Within 2 months Yuliana’s baby girl stopped scratching like crazy all day every day, her skin stopped weeping, and she was able to sleep without being swaddled.
  • Carol’s daughter’s skin got 90% better within 12 weeks.
  • Emilee expanded her son’s diet well beyond what she ever thought possible, and completely transformed his skin from looking like he was a burn victim to having soft, smooth baby skin within 6 months. 
  • Within 5 months, Courtney’s son who was bordering on failure to thrive started eating more foods, growing, and got significant improvements in his skin.
  • After 3 months, Vanessa’s daughter’s skin was 95% better, and after 5 months her eczema was gone.
  • Within 1 month of starting her protocol, Leah’s daughter’s facial rashes were almost completely gone, within 3 months her leg rashes improved by 40%, she was sleeping well and not scratching, and within 6 months her improvements were massive and you never would have known she had eczema.
  • After 6 weeks on the protocol, Sarah was seeing progress in her daughter’s skin. Within 6 months, water didn’t hurt her skin anymore, and her rashes were gone.
  • After following his protocol for 3 months, Mark’s son’s skin started to improve and he started to thrive. He looked 20% healthier overall, his bowel movements normalized even with splurging on his diet, he became generally happier, and slept better. 

With The Right Kind Of Private Support, You Can…


Leave the uncertainty, frustration, confusion, and overwhelm behind.


Take all the guesswork, stress, and anxiety off your plate.


Stop relying on diet restrictions and skin creams, and trying even more "solutions" that don't solve the problem.


Get the right testing, and personalized, proven protocols handed to you.


Solve the root causes of the problem.


Confidently navigate your child’s journey to health, itch-free skin that lasts. 


Imagine your child thriving, and your family enjoying life...


It’s possible, and you can start seeing those results within 6 months.  

Book Your Strategy Session Now To Get Started

I'm Jennifer and I am a pediatric clinical nutritionist specializing in chronic skin rashes including eczema, hives, psoriasis, acne, infections, and more. 

My qualifications: 

Bachelor’s Degree in Nutrition and Dietetics (BS)

Master’s Degree in Public Health (MPH)

Master’s Degree in Nutritional Biochemistry (MS)

Licensed Dietitian/Nutritionist (LDN)

Certified Nutrition Specialist (CNS)

My passion for helping your child is deeply personal, inspired by my own childhood health challenges leaving me feeling different, judged, alone, scared, and helpless, and my family's struggles with eczema, psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, and vitiligo.

I am the top pediatric skin referral resource out of all of the trusted nutrition experts out there, and my referrals come from other functional practitioners, naturopaths, other nutrition professionals, medical doctors, and clinics from around the world.

I am a peer reviewed published author.

My work has been widely recognized on a variety of podcasts and interviews.

Curriculum Vitae (Professional Information)

 Here's Why You Can't Afford To Ignore Getting Private Support And Guidance...


I've seen it happen time and time again... The moment someone embraces GETTING THIS LEVEL OF HELP, their child's skin STARTS TO IMPROVE!

"We feel like we are meeting our son for the first time.

Our son is growing like crazy, eating like a champ, he looks healthy, and his skin has improved significantly.

In 5 months, his transformation has been overwhelming! I’m so excited to see so much improvement, I didn’t think this was possible. We’re scared to acknowledge it sometimes because it’s so surreal! He’s no longer a grumpy little boy, he wakes up happy!"

— Courtney

"In 5 1/2 months, Jennifer's protocol for our baby changed his skin from head to toe...

and allowed his diet to expand well beyond what we thought he could tolerate.

We have a different child. Our miserable, sleep-deprived, itchy little baby is now a happy, goofy, well-rested, healthy little boy.

Jennifer, thank YOU so much! Looking at these before and after pictures makes me wonder who the first child even is! Your knowledge and kindness have so changed our lives!"

-  Emilee

"She can finally sleep through the night without the terror of constant itch, and her skin is clear. 

With Jennifer’s expertise, guidance, and reassurance throughout the whole process, we successfully found the root cause. 

My daughter’s eczema improved within months!

If you were to look at my daughter now, you would have never guessed she was covered in eczema.

I can’t thank you enough, Jennifer!"


"He's sleeping through the night and has days where he doesn't scratch at all. 

He's doing so well, it's incredible and hard to believe. I never thought he could progress this far. 

For the first time, I feel confident he will heal 100%."


You can get results like this for your child, and start seeing them in 6 months!

Book Your Strategy Session Now To Get Started

"Thank you, Jennifer, for this miracle!

She was in a bad place before we started working with you, as you can see. We are so grateful our daughter is past this miserable point in her life and that she can now grow up healthy, happy, and itch and pain-free.

My parents (her grandparents) keep saying, "She's cured!"

We can't thank you enough, Jennifer, for helping us get to the root cause of the problem and for your support and guidance on this journey. We have our little girl back!"


4 COMMON MISTAKES that STOP children from achieving healthy, itch-free skin

❌ Eliminating foods to heal your child's skin (and their gut)


Is your child's skin healthy, clear and itch-free with all the diet eliminations you've tried?


Or are they still flaring even though their diet is getting smaller and smaller...

❌ Piecing together a hodgepodge plan of interventions based on Internet searches will solve the problem


You'll read online and find in Internet support groups that you need a probiotic, zinc, omega 3s, glutamine, and maybe some other random supplements to help your child's skin, a liver or heavy metal detox, a parasite or candida cleanse, a different skin cream... Of the interventions you've tried, have they solved the problem?


Or do you just feel like you're throwing darts in the dark...

❌ Using direct to consumer stool testing, food sensitivity testing, food allergy testing, conventional blood work, hair mineral and metal analysis, muscle testing, genetic testing, checking for MTHFR... will give you the data you need to identify the root cause


There can be a time and place for some of this testing, but let me ask you this, has all the testing you've done given you the information you need to solve the problem?


Or are you still trying to pull the puzzle pieces together for your child...

❌ Trying to solve the problem on your own


Continuing to try and DIY this for your child prolongs the problem. You're still here, right?


If you're still trying to solve the problem on your own, it's time to consider a different approach...

4 CRITICAL STRATEGIES that HELP children achieve healthy, itch-free skin

🟢 Expand your child's diet


It's time to ditch the elimination diets. Food isn't the root cause of the problem. If it was, you would have found the trigger by now.


Your child's diet needs to be as broad as possible so that their body has the fuel (nourishment) it needs to do everything it's supposed to. Grow, develop, function, thrive, AND build and repair healthy skin.

🟢 Get a personalized protocol for your child


Most of the advice out there, especially if you’re finding it on the Internet and in online support groups, is often erroneous, not science-based, definitely not personalized, and much of it isn't even safe for children. 


You need a personalized, actionable, safe, appropriate, and comprehensive protocol with recommendations that will effectively help your child.

🟢 The right testing is critical


Direct to consumer stool testing and food sensitivity testing are hard passes.


There can be a time and place for a wide variety of testing, but when your child has chronic skin problems your best next step is getting a comprehensive digestive stool test (like GI Map). This testing is so critical, it's included when we work together privately! 


Another critical test is an advanced urinary organic acids test (like OMX), and this is also included with with some of the options to work with me privately.


These tests are key, clinical assessment tools that helps us identify root cause imbalances to blame for the problem.

🟢 Get professional support


Getting professional and personalized support for your child is not just about managing symptoms; it’s about getting to the root cause of the problem and improving their, and your family's overall quality of life.


Get answers to your questions, help navigating challenges, celebrate your successes, feel empowered that you're on the right path to help your child, and your child can get lasting results.

Your child can have healthy, itch-free skin that lasts!

Book Your Strategy Session Now To Get Started

"His skin is not cracking anymore, he's a lot less red, and people are noticing the improvements! 

I can now touch, hug, and kiss my son's face without it being painful for him. 

At the beginning of the school year, he would hide in the bathroom at school to scratch. His teacher told us he's not doing that anymore! He even wore short sleeves to school. 

We've also added more foods to his diet, and his sleep has improved, too.

I can't wait for more healing for my son!"



"Thank you, Jennifer. You literally saved my sanity by helping my son.

It's hard to look back on the before pictures. However, it reminds me of how blessed we were to have found Jennifer and her methods. It brings grateful tears to my eyes.

Since September 2023, he's been off all meds, eating a lot more foods, and his skin is clear!"

- Candice

"His face is completely clear, and he has no rashes on his body at all!

Jennifer held my hand each step of the way and took the time to develop a specific plan for my child. She was patient and answered all the questions I had. I would highly recommend working with Jennifer if you want to get to the root cause of the problem for your child, too!"


"The back of her legs cleared quickly!

She used to not want to wear shorts, and this summer, she finally can. 

We are so happy with how her skin has improved!"



My Private Support Programs include what works for my most successful clients. 


Inside, you get:

🌟 An intensive and comprehensive experience 


Jennifer's signature programs give your child’s case meticulous attention to detail, while relieving you of the stress and anxiety of it all. 


There are three options for this level of support and you can select between working with Jennifer for 4-6 months, 6-8 months, or 8-10 months.


🌟 Work privately with Jennifer for fully customized protocols


Private sessions with Jennifer for a deep dive into your child’s health history, analysis of their functional lab test results, and personalized protocols, with protocol adjustments as needed to keep the needle moving forward. 


🌟 Official "ask Jennifer anything" office hours


Monthly "ask Jennifer anything" office hours sessions just for you and other private clients to get your questions answered, have support, and get feedback in an environment where it’s safe to share.


🌟 Direct messenger access to Jennifer for feedback and support 


Need help? Feeling stuck? Have questions? Get feedback and support to help you navigate any challenges that arise, as they arise. 


🌟 Watch your child's progress unfold 


Monthly progress tracking helps us identify areas for adjustments, assess effectiveness of our interventions, and celebrate successes. 


🌟 BONUS: GI Map comprehensive digestive stool and OMX advanced urinary organic acids testing INCLUDED


Functional testing is key for identifying root cause imbalances contributing to the problem.


Gut testing (GI Map) and assessing metabolic pathways and nutrient status (OMX) are key clinical steps to take to help your child achieve healthy, itch-free skin, and optimal health and wellness so that they can thrive.


The tests you get matter! GI Map and OMX are clinical assessment tools that have helped my most successful clients get life-changing skin transformations.

Private Program 

Investments Start at $3,500


Installment plans are available

>>Program options and details<<

Book Your Strategy Session Now To Get Started

"Jennifer has been my anchor and support system while we were battling through my daughter’s eczema, which she had since she was a newborn.

I can now say, after about 9 months of working together, my daughter is flare-up and scratch-free, and has been living her best toddler life.

I am very grateful for Jennifer and her expertise."

— Carol

“Not only are his rashes no longer an issue, but I’ve also been able to significantly expand his diet. Significantly!

All I was told was that he’d have to live with his rashes. I used to worry about every single thing... is he going to scratch? Will it get infected? Is it going to bleed? What can I feed him that’s safe?

Now, the results I’ve seen in my son’s skin have been life-changing. It brings tears to my eyes.

He can be a normal kid, and even wear shorts now because his legs are no longer covered with rashes that he would scratch until bloody. He’s free!

I am so grateful to have found Jennifer to hold my hand, and guide me on this journey to help my son be free of his rashes and the debilitating symptoms they caused!"

— Jessica 

“We are amazed at how much his skin has improved!

Working with Jennifer was a desperate attempt and now I feel like it’s a miracle that his skin is so much better.

Jennifer was amazingly supportive to work with all the way through.

We’re so grateful that she does this work because having a child with eczema was devastating and so stressful."

— NN 

"We are so happy with the results we are seeing!

After getting the right testing done and following the plan she created for us, my son is doing great!

The bumps are gone, and the redness has continued to decrease.

We found Jennifer and are so grateful we did!"


If you’ve been on this journey for more than 6 months, you do not have to spend another 6 months like this.


Book your strategy session now and start seeing results for your child's skin within the next 6 months.


Let's make your child the next success story! 


Book Your Strategy Session Now To Get Started